Monday, March 15, 2010

Ticket update as promised...

As of today, March 15th. And as stated earlier, the Beef, Beer, and More on April 10th, is sold out.

If tickets become available, because someone can't go, etc. they will be posted on the blog.

It'll probably say something along the lines of " X amount of tickets available, first come first serve, e-mail me if you want them"

This is the fairest way that we know how to do this. Much like any other sporting event, concert, movie, play, whatever, once a limit is reached, no more tickets can be sold. Also, much like a concert, movie, play, Phils game, if you snooze you lose. So stay up on the blog. We're trying our best to be fair here.

It's very very very simple. Once something has been posted on the blog that tickets are available, the first person to e-mail me for tickets will get them.


3:47 PM "Hey, I have 7 tickets available, because so and so had something come up for work, and so and so really just wanted to make a donation, and won't be coming"

4:23 PM - If I get an e-mail from someone asking for 2 tickets, they'll get them

5:30 PM - If i get an e-mail from someone asking for 3 ticket's, they'll get them

7:47 PM - If i get an e-mail from someone asking for 2 tickets, they'll get them

8:00 PM - Sorry, keep checking the blog.

In no way do I mean for this to sound sarcastic ( maybe a little) but the few of us that are getting this together just want it to be fair, and this is what we decided to do, and wanted to make it as clear as possible.

It really has been cool getting to know many people from different areas of Dustin's life, and I even feel like I have made some good friends throughout all of this blog, and Beef and Beer nonsense. For every headache that comes up with this, someone from Dustin's life will step up, and do something awesome, that make's me remember why this is going on in the first place.

.... So if you want one that bad, make this blog your best friend.

And like always. Visiting Dustin at his house would probably mean much more to him. And if you just want to make a donation, that's very easy to do as well.

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