Sunday, March 21, 2010

Less than 3 weeks away...

Beef, Beer, and More is less than 3 weeks away. Its snuck up on all of us over here planning it, and we are going to be very busy heading up to the event.

If you are at all interested in working/helping out during the event, please check the blog often. We're going to have a list of jobs that need to be done during the event.

Don't worry, you won't be working the entire event. We'll have a schedule set up, so you may work from 6-8, party 8-10.

We have some extra tickets for this, it'd be awesome if we sold them...

So yea, if you know ANYONE that would want to come, let them know we have extra tickets. If they're afraid they won't know anyone. Tell them to buy two, and bring a friend.

After all of this Beef, Beer, and More nonsense is over with. Don't think our work is done. There will be more fundraisers coming up. There will still be needs that Dustin has. Yea, this event is exciting, and fun. But the real work is the stuff that is done every day.

Groceries, cooking, errands, and much more will still need to be taken care of.

Dustin will still love visitors. In fact, visiting Dustin at home will be a much better way to talk with Dustin, and really spend some time with him.

It's easy to come out to a Beef and Beer. And it's great the amount of people that we have, that want to come. The insane demand for these tickets is proof of that enough. Just don't lose sight as to why you are coming. Whether you are Dustin's closest friend, family member, coworker, whatever. Or just someone that wants to support a good cause... as cheesy as this sounds, as a community of people, we can all help Dustin beat this. Not one person can do everything for Dustin, but a community of people can. We can all help pick up each other's slack, and do some amazing things.

All that to say, when this is all said and done, our work isn't done once this is over. More than raising money, raising awareness of Dustin and his situation is just as important. If on April 11, all the hype or whatever is gone, then we haven't done our job. Lets hope that this sparks something bigger. Lets hope that people feel empowered to do something to help Dustin.

Like I said, a Beef and Beer is easy, its a party. You come out, drink free beer, and eat free food. There's going to be a lot more opportunities to help out after that. It'd be amazing if every event had the same excitement for it.

And I truly think, if you do come to this event, and get to talk with Dustin, you'll be inspired, and excited to do just about anything for the kid. He's a solid dude. A bit annoying, and kind of a tool, but a solid dude.

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