Dustin Myers You go to work and complain... I go to work and feel loved
As much as I usually bust Dustin's balls about his Facebook status, and him in general, I felt like that was worth throwing up here. Something to keep in perspective everytime we complain about having to go to work. At least we physically get to go to work. Below is from Sheilagh Bryan, a coworker of Dustin's at Cmedia...

Last Saturday, over 40 people turned out for a benefit walk for Dustin at Valley Forge Park. The idea originated about a month ago as a sort of "kick-off" to the Beef and Beer, and a way for Cmedia to help out Dustin. It quickly became much more than we had hoped. With the weather picture perfect, we set off on a 5.75 mile walk around the park. Many members of the Cmedia family, both current and former, brought their dogs, children, spouses and friends to join in on the event. We even had an employee fly out from our Portland, Oregon office to come support Dustin. We had t-shirts donated from Frank Burrell's brother and Jillian Lupi and Lorriane Phillips offered to be photographers for the day. Also, we had a representative of Tristar (a long-time loyal client of ours), Anjali, show up to walk with her family. It was so great seeing everyone pull together for Dustin.

Each walker was responsible for recruiting sponsorship, and our initial goal was to raise about $5,000 as a company. Thanks to everyone's amazing efforts, we were able to double our goal and raise about $10,900! To top that all off, Cmedia announced they would match what everyone raised!!! So, we will be donating about $21,800 to Dustin and his family to help them.

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